The Best Time of Day To Book A Flight

If you want to find the best possible deal the next time you book your flight, you may have to get up very early in the morning. According to the travel fare aggregator website Skyscanner, the best time of the day to book a flight if you want a great deal is around five o’clock […]
How To Become An Advances User of Google Flights

Google Flights is a fantastic tool for travelers looking to stay on a budget. It searches multiple airlines and airports, with flexible searching unlike any other travel site. The basics are pretty simple to understand, but if you want to be an advanced used of Google Flights — it takes some insider knowledge. Read on […]
Getting Through The Airport With Ease

Air travel can be a real bother. There are long lines and endless security checks. It can seem like the process of getting through the airport will never end. High levels of stress are the norm, but there are steps that can be taken to alleviate some of the more common sources of stress. Here […]